Teaching activities, first as a student and then as a musician and educator, have always played an important role, as these are tied to the sharing of knowledge as well as the improvement in playing one's instrument, which have always been important nutrients in any artistic endeavor.


Sound Landscapes
for upright bass, percussion and loop station

the project is a performance which develops in real time,
beginning with ethnic, sound fragments and scraps and images.

With Eufemia Mascolo and Pino Basile



The ensemble of ephemeral instruments.
A fundamental aspect of the In Cupa Trance performance is the visual/choreographic aspect, which tries to go above and beyond the exquisite ones of sound, thus revealing the absolutely experimental nature of the performance. Such a representation is inevitably and fundamentally tied to ritual and ceremony In the culture of the ancient Greeks the concept of music was the expression, not only of sound events, but also of theatrical, poetic and choral ones. Starting from this ancient awareness, the dramatics of the ensemble place all possible attention of the non-musical elements on the scene, thus, inevitably conditioning and guiding the fruition of the sound itself. In using instruments like the cupa-cupa, the tambourine and the reed, the sound gesture is also a visual gesture. Imagining oneself to be living a real, proper ritual, the scenic, sound presence is integrated into a single entity, through the physicality of the objects and the interpreters/actors/performers.

Domenico Acquaviva - voice and ephemeral instruments
Pino Basile - voice, percussions and ephemeral instruments
Michele Ciccimarra - voice, percussions and ephemeral instruments
Francesco Monitillo - voice and ephemeral instruments
Enzo Granella - voice and ephemeral instruments
Mirko Lodedo - voice, keyboard, accordion and ephemeral instruments
Eufemia Mascolo - voice, upright bass and ephemeral instruments
Marcello Zinni - sound engineer

In 2004, the ensemble officially debuted in Andria with a concert for the first time ever at the 7th edition of the festival Suoni dal Mediterraneo. The group then performed at numerous music festivals in Southern Italy. After a long period of study/workshops and collaboration with the composer Riccardo Nova (Ed. Ricordi), debuted in October 2006 at the Arisoto theatre as part of of the REC festival (Reggio Emilia, artistic direction by Daniele Abbado), in a concert event for two bands, two ensembles: percussion and electronic and a cupa cupa ensemble. It was also present at the Nottebiancanapoli. In 2007 the ensemble was a guest at the festival della tradizione di Praiano, at the final concert of the Festival dei Popoli del Mediterraneo (Bisceglie) and at the festival Teatri di terra (Ostuni). In the autumn of the same year, the ensemble organized Carnatica voice and music workshops (from the Moors of Puglia to the Indies), respectively with Faheem Mazar (Pakistan) and Manjunath B.C. (Karnatak, India), in a yet to be released sound project involving a musical and cultural meeting/exchange between the In Cupa Trance and two extraordinary Eastern musicians. In 2008 the ensemble performed in Venice (palazzo Soranzo), at the 7th Convegno Nazionale della Federazione Italiana Teatroterapia held in Bari, at the Notte di S. Giovanni (Ostuni) and at the festival di circo contemporaneo Brocante (Frisanco, Pordenone).
 Also worth noting: In 2009 - participation in the musical theatre event Diazeusi e Sinafè for the occasion of the night of S. Giovanni a Ceglie Messapica; the international workshop Concert of Deltebre Dansa (Deltebre, Catalogna); and the Concert and performance with the students of ESAC (the Cicus school of Brussels), for the Brocante, Festival du Cirque (Frisanco, Pordenone).



da qualche tempo la passione per il circo contemporaneo, e la volontà di mettersi artisticamente in gioco, sono all'origine di progetti e collaborazioni in un territorio fantastico e pieno di colpi di scena

Lo spettacolo è un concerto-cabaret stravagante, un mix di poesia e follia.
Due mondi che si incontrano, ma non sempre.
Il circo contemporaneo, la danza e l’interpretazione da un lato, un concerto con tanto di musicisti e performer dall'altro: tutti in pista!
Il concerto è un teatro sonoro performato da musicisti che interpretano strumenti colti e raccolti, strumenti classici e classici strumenti da mercatino dell'usato.
Il cabaret è un inseguirsi di discipline di nuovo circo, di coreografie e di tanta energia al servizio di uno spettacolo sospeso nell’aria per suono e movimento.


JAND - Just Another Normal Day

a solo for three bodies... a contemporary circus-dance show

A unique show, like life, in which nothing is as it seems and nothing is ever as it should be, (F.S.)
Francesco Sgrò - Direction
Francesco Sgrò, Pino Basile – Creation and Interpetation
Luca Carbone - Technician

With support from
- Flic Scuola di Circo
- MCF Belfiore Danza
- Sosta Palmizi
− Associazione Sarabanda


L'attività didattica, come studente prima, come musicista ed educatore poi, ha sempre avuto un ruolo importante, sia essa legata alla trasmissione dei saperi che al miglioramento di strumenti e conoscenze che da sempre sono alimento importante per qualsiasi attività artistica.

Scarica in pdf le schede di progetto

Cicli e Ricicli. laboratorio musicale teorico e pratico
Workshop tamburello

Workshop di Tamburello
e altri tamburi a cornice del Mediterraneo

whp tamburrello

La Grammatica del Ritmo
Laboratorio musicale sull'uso del sistema ritmico indiano 